W I L D . . .

. . . L I F E
Whilst wedding & portrait photography is the main focus of my business, I've had a lifelong passion for wildlife, landscape and the outdoors. This passion was absolutely the inspiration for my getting into photography in the first place. I think of myself as not just a wedding photographer but more simply as someone who has a passion to photograph the things that really interest and define me as a person. Whilst you may think that photographing wild tigers in India has nothing to do with weddings, it's amazing how composition, lighting and technique in one discipline, will inform everything else I do with a camera and, hopefully, make me a better photographer for the experience.
Being a photographer interested in wildlife and landscape and being based in rural Yorkshire is a great combination! Below you'll find links to a regularly updated blog on my latest projects and an ever-growing portfolio of some of my favourite images to date. If you would like to check out my wedding photography portfolio, or my wedding photography blog, just click, Yorkshire Wedding Photography Portfolio or Yorkshire Wedding Photography Blog.
As you may have already discovered on my Instagram page, I am also a very passionate wildlife photographer. Luckily my work in this field has taken me all over the world, so as well as being a Yorkshire-based wildlife photographer, I have recently been on expeditions to India, Tanzania, Svalbard & Finland, amongst others. 2020 is shaping up to be a very exciting year, as I have either been shortlisted, or a finalist in several prestigious, world-renowned competitions, including Wildlife Photographer Of The Year, European Wildlife Photographer Of The Year, Travel Photographer Of The Year, Bird Photographer Of The Year & The British Photography Awards. The judging continues into the rest of the year for some of these competitions, so fingers crossed! You can access a small sample of my portfolio, here. Enjoy!